Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Am I right?

RING A DING A DING, I just got the worst/lamest news: we've had to cancel the TCA press tour. Fuckin'-A, man! Talk about a target-rich environment... All those 40-something MILFs, away from the husband, talking to a slick H-wood producer... easy pickings. I'd usually keep two, three rooms upstairs, just in case. Sick, absolutely sick. Nothing tops that except 4 AM at Xenii and the liquor's about to run out.

I remember the year I came out with The Office. "It'll never work," they said. "Americans just aren't ready for this shit," they said. "Remember what happened to "Coupling"?" they said.

But I knew I had a humongoid hit on my hands. Everyone else was obsessing over Steve Carell (don't forget me when you hit the big time, Stevers!) and Jim and Pam, but there was one writer/performer on there who just really got me. Let's call him AJ, since he's "on the other side".

The other day I saw him on the picket line. I had to duck low in my seat, and I think I kind of swerved out of my lane. I heard some pretty loud honking. Anyway, it was so weird to see him out there, you know? I know the rest of you guys aren't totally plugged in to the creative community like the Benster, so it's probably pretty easy for you to do this. But some of my best friends are writers. Just for instance, AJ and I have had some good, good times. Don't kill me for saying this, but I kind of miss him: the late nights at exclusive clubs, doing rails off some chick's rack... that fucking epic Bright Eyes show... how we'd get lit and I'd tell him my ideas about adapting some telenovela for the US market, and he'd really listen, you know what I'm saying?

Fuck man. All I'm getting at, I hope we can get this thing sewn up. Throw the writers a freakin' bone. I say we all pitch in and get a bunch of girls to head out onto the lines and offer free body shots, then rat-tat-tat, ask the WGA to come back to the table while they're still dazzled. Wait a week or two to put out the release, just to seem like real hardasses, and we can all reschedule the TCAs and head up to Big Bear without this shit hanging over our heads like a fucking sword of Damascus or whatever.

Your moderate pal,




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